Thursday, July 11, 2013

On Choosing My Fights (and Battles)

You have to know you can win. You have to think you can win. You have to feel you can win. - Sugar Ray Leonard

If you don’t think there’s a chance you can win a fight, ya probably shouldn't take it.  I mean it’s not like losing a race…  For me this is confidence, your intellect is in line with your objective.  Your objective may only be to make a point but you have to “think” there’s a good chance you will make that point.  This is the first step to picking my fights, in both life and martial arts.

Next, I follow my gut.   What do I “feel” about this fight?  I have to believe I can win.  I have to surround myself with people that believe I can win.  I have to train like I believe I can win.  This is the energy that will propel you forward, through the most uncomfortable parts of your battle.  It will keep that fire in your belly during training and keep you coming forward in your fight.

Last I have to “know” that I WILL win.  If I could chat with Mr. Leonard, I bet I could convince him to change that part of the quote.  I call this doubtlessness.  I have no place for anything in my mind, heart, or spirit that doubts I will achieve victory.  This gives you peace in your moments of anxiety, or when you face doubt from some external source.  It gives you patience and calm in your moment of battle, knowing victory is coming, it’s just a matter of when.

I took my first professional fight on two weeks’ notice.  I had confidence my training had been good enough to prepare me physically.  My gut said go, and when my coach said “It will be good experience win or lose.” I replied “I’M GOING TO WIN.”  I did.

1 comment :

  1. I am enjoying your insights Katie. I am looking forward to your next blog!
