Monday, July 22, 2013

Confessions From the Right Brain

When I’m in the car with my husband for any good length of time and there has been a significant amount of silence, one of us will always ask “What are you thinking?”  My husband says “Nothing,” which I know means “Kneebars.”  I’m usually planning my audition song for American Idol or imagining my “FreshAir” interview with Terry Gross before my first Invicta FC fight.  I have a confession to make.  I’m a dreamer, 100% right brained.

I come across as an organized, detail oriented, planner.  I was good in school, I love efficiency, and I present myself well.  In truth, I was not a good student as a child.  I was always talking and daydreaming.  I was smart enough, but if I didn't like what I was doing, I would just “check out.”

At some point I began using my creativity to manipulate the details.  With this I learned how you can have maximum reward with minimum input.  This creativity with details and principles in combination with a good work ethic has made me a pretty successful human being.  The cliché of thinking outside the box has never really applied to me… I live outside the box.

Whether it’s work, training, or my family life, I have a plan.  My “planning” is an expression of a dream, laid out to be improvised.  It’s how I function in a left brain society.  For me it is an exercise in thinking inside the box.   I hate to admit it, but it makes my life exponentially better and easier.

I wonder about left brainers though…  If our society fits right in with their way of life how often are they forced into my world?  How many chose to venture that way on their own?  Taking in “culture” at an art gallery or the theater is not the same as creating something for yourself.

My left brained father was always looking for ways to Kaizen his high school classes and he writes poetry.  For my left brained husband, he spends hours putting pieces together, from every discipline, for his kneebar game.  I think this is a key to finding balance.  We have to live where we are, and take the best of the other side of our brain.

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