Friday, August 16, 2013

On Letting Go

I love cheese.  I mean LOVE cheese, and ice cream, and cheesecake, and I gave it up last April.  I had chronic sinus infections for years.  After the most powerful antibiotics known to man, three surgeries and every natural cure I could find, I read that dairy could be a major contributor to my problem.  So I made a firm decision to give it up for two months, if I didn't notice a difference I would go back to my regular diet.  As much as I was hoping it wouldn't work… it did.  After two weeks I noticed a difference, and have been feeling better ever since.  What I wasn't expecting was the change in my body.  I lost ten lbs. Gone. For months now, and I've never had much fluctuation in my weight.  I diet hard for my fights, and within three weeks I creep back to my normal weight.  And now I've stabilized ten pounds lighter.

Letting go of something you love isn't easy. If you realize that it’s bringing negativity into your life you have an important choice to make.  You can ignore what you've seen and carry on, or you can let go.  There’s no in-between.  At first you will notice the obvious improvement, negative factor removed.  Then the real magic starts.  Your life will be filled with beautiful things you never expected.

I met a woman today who told me that she started noticing the negative speech of her extended family.  She was afraid of the repercussions, but she just couldn't hear it anymore.  She put a few of the worst offenders out of her life and she said the rest just went away too.  Negative factors removed, but now she says she meets the most amazing positive people everywhere she goes.  Her life became better, times two.

We only have so many hours in the day, and so much energy to give. When you let go of anything that is holding you back, that time and energy will find a better place to spend itself.  Are you ready?

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