Friday, August 9, 2013


“I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.”  -Bruce Lee

Ok, there it is, the “magic pill” for martial arts.  Find a technique that makes sense to you and drill it, and do it again, and do it until it is instinct and not technique.  Practice the basic principles and the advanced technique.  Teach it.  Learn it so that you always have an answer to any problem you are given.  Then practice it some more.  This is not fun per say, but it’s fun when you nail it in competition.  It’s fun when you become recognized around the world for being the best at it.  It’s fun when your opponent knows what you're going to do and still can't stop you. 

We all know one of those people who changed their major 7 times in college, or has a new soul mate every other month.  Commitment can look stifling when you consider all your options.  However, like choosing a career path or life partner, making a commitment is the only way (save a lot of luck) to attain what we truly desire.  I find more freedom in marriage than I did before I met my husband.  I’m free to make mistakes and fix them.  I’m free to grow into the person I want to be.  Likewise when I chose a career in martial arts, I knew I was moving in the right direction.  I want to be doing what I do every day.  And I do it every day, even if I don’t feel like it, because I never finish a training session and say “That was a waste of time…”  I have 10,000 dreams, and I have chosen one to peruse 10,000%

There is no substitute for hard work, but if you work with focus and purpose, your hard work will take you farther than you can ever imagine.

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