Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Bit of Inspiration

This time last year I had my heart set on a move to the North East.  While I was getting everything together my husband and I joined a new academy and found a new home.  A huge part of that has been the Agabin family.  We started trading kneebar classes with the three boys for mitt work with their dad, Coach June Bug.  It quickly ceased to be a trade, we have all become deeply invested in each other’s success, and the inspiration that I get from each of the boys is worth more than the technique we teach them.

C.J., Matthew, and Isaac
Matthew is the youngest, he trains and competes with joy.  He is just happy to be participating.  Don’t be deceived, the little guy has crazy heart and goes for the win 100%, but he’s smiling the whole time. He’s small for his age and usually fights kids twice his size, that doesn't faze him one bit.  As adults I think we put a lot of pressure on ourselves and forget to love what we do.  Training is not a chore, it’s a pleasure.  Imagine if we could capture that attitude towards life, parenting, work… No, he doesn't have the bills and the pressures we do, but those things will be there whether we chose to live with joy or not.

Isaac is in the middle and inspires me with his confidence and demeanor.  I laugh when I see him compete because he stops being a kid the minute he steps on the mat.  He knows what he needs to do and he will do it, there is no doubt.  He is so talented he plays with most of his opponents, but he approaches his tough opponents with the same confidence.  Like Isaac, we have to know that there is nothing we can’t do, no challenge we can’t look square in the face and say “I got this.”

C.J., the oldest, is diligent, smart, and efficient.  He shows up ready to work and doesn't stop until the job is done.  He knows his best skills, and he knows when and how to use them.  He’s not looking for the easy way, he’s looking for the right way, a picture of what I wrote in 10,000.  Things don’t always come easy for him, but that makes no difference, he will overcome.  There is little value in the things that come easy.  Goals are accomplished by putting one foot in front of the other, then lowering your shoulder and continuing to push when things get hard.

Agabin Trophy Case
What I've written doesn't even do justice to their amazing personalities or the beautiful dynamic they have as a family.  I just wanted to share the way they inspire me in hopes of inspiring you too.  Success is built on joy, confidence, and diligence, and believe me the Agabin brothers have some success!

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