Thursday, September 5, 2013

I'm Not Afraid

My sister and I make each other laugh until we cry.  We find a way to step up when the other needs anything.  We have been a symbiotic support system for 33 years.  It’s a closeness that defies explanation, 100% unconditional love.  Love that is without condition is the most powerful force on earth.  I’m not afraid to be my worst, so with her I am able to be my best.

I found the same feeling with my training today.  I love being a martial artist.  There is no fear of a bad performance. (It hasn't happened yet)  I can only be my best when I let go of the fear of being my worst.  So I let go today, if only for a moment, and it was amazing!

I decided to do a grappling tournament, that I haven’t trained for, just for fun.  No pressure, no expectations, just a little test of my skills.  My sister will be there, like always, encouraging me with her unconditional love, and I will be my best.
On our way to weigh-ins late April 2013

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