Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Work Smarter

Testing myself this weekend was EVERYTHING.  I wasn't perfect, but I was good, and I was everything I wanted to be.  My mind, body, and spirit were in the right place and I was ready.  Winning the tournament was secondary to being my best Katie, and showing my students that what I teach them is what I do.  Who would have thought tearing my hamstring was the best thing that could have happened for my career?

The more I look back on my time off, the more I value it.  In this sport you always have to be ready.  Fights seem to show up on short notice, when they show up at all.  I’m never far from fight ready.  I train 5-6 days a week and I’m working the days I’m not training because I have ends to meet, and taking time off could mean missing an opportunity to fight.

When I got a reasonable offer for a fight, I was off to do everything I could to be my best.  I was starting work at 4am, then training 2-3 times a day.  I was killing myself.  The body is NOT meant to do that.  I was getting a new minor injury every other day until my hamstring stopped me in my tracks…

My husband told me, for your next fight, we will train smarter.  I see now that he is right.  This time off has made me better.  Much better.  I kept my mind working the entire time and rather than adding more pieces to my puzzle, I made a picture with the ones that I have.  I found some holes and I’m filling them in.

Sometimes we run around like crazy because we are compensating for something.  Something like a lack of preparation, organization, or confidence.  Sometimes it’s a better use of time and resources to just step back and assess what is actually necessary, and work on that. 

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