Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Elevated Expectations

You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them 
- Michael Jordan
I think Michael Jordan is one of the few people that can truly understand why I’m so hard on myself.  I don’t believe I have limits.  The fact that I fight two weight classes below everyone I rolled with today is no excuse for my poor performance.  Neither is the fact that I am just coming back after three months off.  I expect to be better than I am, and I don’t think that’s a bad thing.
I am driven by my expectations.  I’m never surprised by my accomplishments, and I don’t savor them for too long.  There are always new expectations, mistakes to fix, and more work to do.  My true objective is forever moving just past the horizon, and I am forever believing I should already be there.  Sometimes that leaves me out behind the gym crying from frustration, but there are those moments when I touch that horizon and there is a light in me that defies explanation.  I live for those moments.
 Tonight there will be more training.  I will put my confidence back on course, put my body a little closer to fight shape, and continue to raise my expectations.  And I will love every minute of it.
Don’t be afraid to set expectations for yourself, and set them high.  You are only delusional if you are not ready to put the work in to get there.  EVERYTHING is possible with faith, hard work, and perseverance.  

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