Sunday, October 6, 2013

Confessions of a Control Freak

I went to a psychic once.  I was a little skeptical, until the first thing she said to me was “Oooh, you’re a control freak, Baby.”  Yes, yes I am.  It was pointed out to me today that the desire/ability/whatever to keep control is absolutely necessary as a martial artist.

I step on my scale every morning around 3:30 am.  Sometimes I know I’m not going to like what I see (especially after a night of Chinese Food), but it’s a part of keeping control over my weight.  One sodium-loaded dinner out can mean 4 lbs. of water weight, enough to scare me into eating clean for the rest of the week…  I have a strict diet that requires crazy self-control.   I don’t eat dairy and I rarely eat meat.  I drink water instead of the juice that’s in the ‘fridge for my nephew, I often cook separate meals for my carnivorous family, and I will be abstaining from the cheesecake I have for my husband’s birthday tonight.  It’s a choice, but it’s not really… I’m driven by my goals and a little cheat here and a little cheat there add up to a lot of cheating.  It’s a matter of controlling myself.

As a hot-tempered child, controlling my emotions is a challenge I’ve been working on my whole life.  In a fight, a lack of control over anything is something very dangerous.  If I get angry while sparring I will have an asthma attack.  When I’m calm I can work harder and longer without a problem.

It’s no wonder this need for control has manifested itself in every aspect of my life.  If I make a “frivolous” decision, like Chinese Food, it’s still relatively calculated.  I think “I don’t feel like cooking.  It’s been about a month since I’ve eaten out.  There will be plenty of vegetarian and dairy free options, and it will be nice to have a date with my husband.”  I’m aware that I will be a little sluggish in the morning, but I’ll be up and ready to work before 4 am.  There may or may not be an extra cup of coffee involved…

Sometimes I just need a moment of reflection to understand the rest of the world, which has fewer consequences for minor lapses in self-control…

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