Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Dear Mark Hunt

Dear Mark Hunt,

Let me begin by saying, please don’t judge Jesus by the actions of Christians.  We mean well, but we mess up a lot.  I’m sorry for any animosity you have received, that’s not God, it’s our own fear and insecurity.  God doesn’t need us to defend Him.  He is God.  That being said, I feel compelled to share my own experience, I guess I can’t help myself.

No, I’ve never seen God.  He has spoken to me, and I can tell you what He sounds like.  He sounds like undeniable truth.  Like a thought more clear than anything you can think or know for yourself.  Most of the time when I pray (and I hate to publicly admit this), it’s something like chit-chat, a nightly requirement, like the days I show up to the gym, but my hearts not in it.  It’s not that I don’t want to get better, but some days I’m just going through the motions.  But then, there are times when my mind and my heart are clear, and I know I have a direct line.  In these moments He has responded in the most amazing ways.  Maybe that’s not enough to answer your questions, but it’s what I have if you’re truly curious about His existence.

Regarding the authors and the whereabouts of the transcripts of the Bible, I have another way to look at that.  I believe it is impossible to live without faith on some level.  We buy food that is labeled on faith.  We believe that the consequences for lying are so great that companies wouldn’t dare mislead us… We watch the news and accept that there is truth in what we hear… Even the most devout believer in the theory of evolution has to take a leap of faith.  Nonliving matter had to become the first amoeba somehow for the whole idea to work.  Last I heard they still don't have any evidence on that one.

I think believing the scriptures is something like the faith we put in everything else.  You have to interpret information, understand its context, do your own research, and find your own truth.  Just like when I clear my heart and pray, God gives answers.

I don’t know if I’ve helped at all, but I deeply respect you for asking the hard questions.  I’m happy you found the truth.

God bless,

Katie Casimir

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