What is this power we hold in our eyes that allows us to jump higher, move smoother, and reach farther? I have no explanation, but I know it to be true 100 of 100 times. In judo your throw becomes easier if you look in the same direction that you want your opponent to fly. The power of your punches will increase if you look at your target instead of your opponent’s defense. If you want to sweep your opponent on the ground, you need to move more than your head in the right direction, you also have to move your eyes.
We must keep our gaze fixed on our objectives and continue in that direction, like the obstacles don’t matter, and they won’t. Sometimes things don’t go your way and you find yourself distracted. Take a step back, refocus your gaze, and push forward again. We can’t look at obstacles and expect to succeed. Just like you can’t focus on your opponent in a fight. You must respect that they are there, but the only power they have is the power you give them.
Have the courage to look, not at where you are, but where you want to go. You will go farther.